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Showing 801 - 810 of 132111 results

Aztreonam is the first monocyclic beta-lactam antibiotic (monobactam) originally isolated from Chromobacterium violaceum. Aztreonam has a high affinity for the protein-binding protein 3 (PBP-3) of aerobic gram-negative bacteria. Most of these organisms are inhibited and killed at low concentrations of the drug. Aztreonam must be administered as an intravenous or intramuscular injection (AZACTAM®), or inhaled (CAYSTON®). Aztreonam for injection is indicated for the treatment of the following infections caused by susceptible gram-negative microorganisms: urinary tract, lower respiratory tract, skin and skin-structure, intra-abdominal and gynecologic infections as well as for septicemia. Aztreonam for inhalation solution is indicated to improve respiratory symptoms in cystic fibrosis patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Misoprostol is a prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) analogue used for the treatment and prevention of stomach ulcers. When administered, misoprostol stimulates increased secretion of the protective mucus that lines the gastrointestinal tract and increases mucosal blood flow, thereby increasing mucosal integrity. It is sometimes co-prescribed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to prevent the occurrence of gastric ulceration, a common adverse effect of the NSAIDs. Misoprostol seems to inhibit gastric acid secretion by a direct action on the parietal cells through binding to the prostaglandin receptor. The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which normally activate adenylate cyclase. The indirect inhibition of adenylate cyclase by Misoprostol may be dependent on guanosine-5’-triphosphate (GTP). The significant cytoprotective actions of misoprostol are related to several mechanisms. These include: 1. Increased secretion of bicarbonate, 2. Considerable decrease in the volume and pepsin content of the gastric secretions, 3. It prevents harmful agents from disrupting the tight junctions between the epithelial cells which stops the subsequent back diffusion of H+ ions into the gastric mucosa, 4. Increased thickness of mucus layer, 5. Enhanced mucosal blood flow as a result of direct vasodilatation, 6. Stabilization of tissue lysozymes/vascular endothelium, 7. Improvement of mucosal regeneration capacity, and 8. Replacement of prostaglandins that have been depleted as a result of various insults to the area. Misoprostol has also been shown to increase the amplitude and frequency of uterine contractions during pregnancy via selective binding to the EP-2/EP-3 prostanoid receptors. Misoprostol is indicated for the treatment of ulceration (duodenal, gastric and NSAID induced) and prophylaxis for NSAID induced ulceration. Misoprostol is also indicated for other uses that are not approved in Canada, including the medical termination of an intrauterine pregnancy used alone or in combination with methotrexate, as well as the induction of labour in a selected population of pregnant women with unfavourable cervices. This indication is avoided in women with prior uterine surgery or cesarean surgery due to an increased risk of possible uterine rupture. Misoprostol is also used for the prevention or treatment of serious postpartum hemorrhage. Misoprostol is sold under the brandname Cytotec among others.
Esmolol (trade name Brevibloc) is a cardioselective beta1 receptor blocker with rapid onset, a very short duration of action, and no significant intrinsic sympathomimetic or membrane stabilizing activity at therapeutic dosages. Esmolol decreases the force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system, which are found in the heart and other organs of the body. Esmolol prevents the action of two naturally occurring substances: epinephrine and norepinephrine. Esmolol predominantly blocks the beta-1 receptors in cardiac tissue. Used for the rapid control of ventricular rate in patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter in perioperative, postoperative, or other emergent circumstances where short term control of ventricular rate with a short-acting agent is desirable. Also used in noncompensatory sinus tachycardia where the rapid heart rate requires specific intervention.
Flurbiprofen, a propionic acid derivative, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that exhibits antiinflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities in animal models. Flurbiprofen Tablets are indicated for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and for relief of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. It may also be used to treat pain associated with dysmenorrhea and mild to moderate pain accompanied by inflammation (e.g. bursitis, tendonitis, soft tissue trauma). Flurbiprofen may also be used topically prior to ocular surgery to prevent or reduce intraoperative miosis. Similar to other NSAIAs, the anti-inflammatory effect of flurbiprofen occurs via reversible inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), the enzyme responsible for the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin G2 (PGG2) and PGG2 to prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) in the prostaglandin synthesis pathway. This effectively decreases the concentration of prostaglandins involved in inflammation, pain, swelling and fever. Flurbiprofen is a non-selective COX inhibitor and inhibits the activity of both COX-1 and -2. It is also one of the most potent NSAIAs in terms of prostaglandin inhibitory activity.
Etiguanfacine, also known as SSP-1871, is an α2-adrenoreceptor agonist.
Flecainide is a potent anti-arrhythmia agent, effective in a wide range of ventricular and atrial arrhythmias and tachycardias. Flecainide has local anesthetic activity and belongs to the membrane stabilizing (Class 1) group of antiarrhythmic agents; it has electrophysiologic effects characteristic of the IC class of antiarrhythmics. Flecainide acts on sodium channels on the neuronal cell membrane, limiting the spread of seizure activity and reducing seizure propagation. The antiarrhythmic actions are mediated through effects on sodium channels in Purkinje fibers. Flecainide is a sodium channel blocker, binding to voltage gated sodium channels. It stabilizes the neuronal membrane by inhibiting the ionic fluxes required for the initiation and conduction of impulses. Ventricular excitability is depressed and the stimulation threshold of the ventricle is increased during diastole. Flecainide is sold under the trade name Tambocor (manufactured by 3M pharmaceuticals). Flecainide went off-patent on February 10, 2004. In addition to being marketed as Tambocor, it is also available in generic version and under the trade names Almarytm, Apocard, Ecrinal, and Flécaine.
Leuprolide acetate is a synthetic nonapeptide analog of naturally occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH or LH-RH). The analog possesses greater potency than the natural hormone. It acts primarily on the anterior pituitary, inducing a transient early rise in gonadotrophin release. With continued use, leuprorelin causes pituitary desensitisation and/or down-regulation, leading to suppressed circulating levels of gonadotrophins and sex hormones. Leuprolide acetate used to treat a wide range of sex hormone-related disorders including advanced prostatic cancer, uterine leiomyomata (fibroids), endometriosis and precocious puberty.
Levobunolol is a non-cardioselective beta-adrenoceptor blocking agent, equipotent at both beta1 and beta2 adrenergic receptors. Levobunolol is greater than 60 times more potent than its dextro isomer in its beta-blocking activity, yet equipotent in its potential for direct myocardial depression. Accordingly, the levo isomer, levobunolol, is used. Levobunolol does not have significant local anesthetic (membrane-stabilizing) or intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. Levobunolol, sold under the brand name Betagan, has been shown to be an active agent in lowering elevated as well as normal intraocular pressure (IOP) whether or not accompanied by glaucoma. Levobunolol is contraindicated in those individuals with bronchial asthma or with a history of bronchial asthma, or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sinus bradycardia; second and third-degree atrioventricular block; overt cardiac failure cardiogenic shock; or hypersensitivity to any component of these products.

Class (Stereo):

PRIMAXIN® is a combination of cilastatin and imipenem. Cilastatin is a specific and reversible renal dehydropeptidase-I inhibitor. Imipenem is a penem antibacterial drug. Since the antibiotic, imipenem, is hydrolyzed by dehydropeptidase-I, which resides in the brush border of the renal tubule, cilastatin is administered with imipenem to block the metabolism and thus the inactivation of imipenem so that antibacterial levels of imipenem can be attained in the urine. However, cilastatin in and of itself does not have any antibacterial activity. It also prevents the metabolism of leukotriene D4 to leukotriene E4 through the inhibition of leukotriene D4 dipeptidase.
Levocarnitine propionate or Propionyl L-carnitine (PLC) is the propionyl ester of L-carnitine. Propionyl-L-carnitine stimulates energy production in ischaemic muscles by increasing citric acid cycle flux and stimulating pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. The free radical scavenging activity of the drug may also be beneficial. Propionyl-L-carnitine improves coagulative fibrinolytic homeostasis in vasal endothelium and positively affects blood viscosity. It exhibits a high affinity for the muscle enzyme, carnitine acyl transferase, and as such readily converts into propionyl-CoA and free carnitine. Most studies of the therapeutic use of PLC are focused on the prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, hypertrophic heart disease, and peripheral arterial disease. PLC is marketed under the trade name Dromos®. It is indicated for patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disorders and for exercise intolerance enhancement in patients with chronic congestive heart failure. Dromos is marketed in Italy.