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Showing 611 - 620 of 132111 results

First approved in 1996
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Urea 13C is a urea molecule radiolabelled with the non-radioactive element carbon-13. 13C-urea present in drugs which are intended for use in the qualitative detection of 13CO2 in whole blood specimens, collected after the ingestion of 13C-urea. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) organisms colonizing the lining of the human stomach, produce urease which converts 13C-urea into 13CO2 and ammonia (NH4+). In the presence of urease associated with gastric H. pylori, 13C-urea is decomposed to 13CO2 and ammonia NH4. The 13CO2 is absorbed in the blood, then exhaled in the breath. This results in an increase in the ratio of 13CO2 to 12CO2 in a TEST breath sample compared to a BASELINE sample.

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Zileuton is an asthma drug that differs chemically and pharmacologically from other antiasthmatic agents. It blocks leukotriene synthesis by inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme of the eicosanoid synthesis pathway. Current data indicates that asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways involving the production and activity of several endogenous inflammatory mediators, including leukotrienes. Sulfido-peptide leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, also known as the slow-releasing substances of anaphylaxis) and LTB4, a chemoattractant for neutrophils and eosinophils, are derived from the initial unstable product of arachidonic acid metabolism, leukotriene A4 (LTA4), and can be measured in a number of biological fluids including bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from asthmatic patients. In humans, pretreatment with zileuton attenuated bronchoconstriction caused by cold air challenge in patients with asthma. Zileuton is a specific inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase and thus inhibits leukotriene (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) formation. Both the R(+) and S(-) enantiomers are pharmacologically active as 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors in in vitro systems. Leukotrienes are substances that induce numerous biological effects including augmentation of neutrophil and eosinophil migration, neutrophil and monocyte aggregation, leukocyte adhesion, increased capillary permeability, and smooth muscle contraction. These effects contribute to inflammation, edema, mucus secretion, and bronchoconstriction in the airways of asthmatic patients. Zileuton is marketed under the trade name ZYFLO.
Olopatadine is an antihistamine (as well as anticholinergic and mast cell stabilizer) used to treat itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis (eye allergies). Olopatadine is a selective histamine H1 antagonist that binds to the histamine H1 receptor. This blocks the action of endogenous histamine, which subsequently leads to temporary relief of the negative symptoms brought on by histamine. Olopatadine is devoid of effects on alpha-adrenergic, dopamine and muscarinic type 1 and 2 receptors. Some known side effects include a headache (7% of occurrence), eye burning and/or stinging (5%), blurred vision, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, hyperemia, keratitis, eyelid edema, pruritus, asthenia, sore throat (pharyngitis), rhinitis, sinusitis, and taste perversion.
Trandolapril is a non-sulhydryl prodrug that belongs to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor class of medications. It is metabolized to its biologically active diacid form, trandolaprilat, in the liver. Trandolaprilat inhibits ACE, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensin I (ATI) to angiotensin II (ATII). ATII regulates blood pressure and is a key component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Trandolapril may be used to treat mild to moderate hypertension, to improve survival following myocardial infarction in clinically stable patients with left ventricular dysfunction, as an adjunct treatment for congestive heart failure, and to slow the rate of progression of renal disease in hypertensive individuals with diabetes mellitus and microalbuminuria or overt nephropathy. Trandolapril is marketed by Abbott Laboratories under the brand name Mavik.

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Nilutamide is an antineoplastic hormonal agent primarily used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Nilutamide is a pure, nonsteroidal anti-androgen with affinity for androgen receptors (but not for progestogen, estrogen, or glucocorticoid receptors). Consequently, Nilutamide blocks the action of androgens of adrenal and testicular origin that stimulate the growth of normal and malignant prostatic tissue. Prostate cancer is mostly androgen-dependent and can be treated with surgical or chemical castration. To date, antiandrogen monotherapy has not consistently been shown to be equivalent to castration. The relative binding affinity of nilutamide at the androgen receptor is less than that of bicalutamide, but similar to that of hydroxuflutamide. Nilutamide competes with androgen for the binding of androgen receptors, consequently blocking the action of androgens of adrenal and testicular origin that stimulate the growth of normal and malignant prostatic tissue. This blockade of androgen receptors may result in growth arrest or transient tumor regression through inhibition of androgen-dependent DNA and protein synthesis. Nilutamide is used in combination with surgical castration for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer involving distant lymph nodes, bone, or visceral organs (Stage D2). Nilutamide is sold under the brand names Nilandron (US), Anandron (CA)).
First approved in 1996

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Cidofovir is an antiviral nucleotide analogue with significant activity against cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other herpesviruses. Cidofovir suppresses cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication by selective inhibition of viral DNA synthesis. Biochemical data support selective inhibition of CMV DNA polymerase by cidofovir diphosphate, the active intracellular metabolite of cidofovir. Incorporation of cidofovir into the growing viral DNA chain results in reductions in the rate of viral DNA synthesis. Cidofovir is indicated for the treatment of CMV retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Levofloxacin is the L-isomer of the racemate, ofloxacin, a quinolone antimicrobial agent. Levofloxacin is used for oral and intravenous administration. Levofloxacin is sold under brand name levaquin and is used to treat infections in adults (≥18 years of age) caused by designated, susceptible bacteria such as, pneumonia: nosocomial and community acquired; skin and skin structure infections: complicated and uncomplicated; chronic bacterial prostatitis; inhalational anthrax. In addition this drug is used to treat plague; urinary tract infections: complicated and uncomplicated; acute pyelonephritis; acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and acute bacterial sinusitis. Levofloxacin, like other fluoroquinolones, inhibits the bacterial DNA gyrase, halting DNA replication. This results in strand breakage on a bacterial chromosome, supercoiling, and resealing. In addition, levofloxacin inhibits a bacterial type II topoisomerase.
Docetaxel was protected by patents (U.S. patent and European patent) which were owned by Sanofi-Aventis, and so was available only under the Taxotere brand name internationally. The European patent expired in 2010. Docetaxel is a clinically well-established anti-mitotic chemotherapy medication used for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer after failure of prior chemotherapy. Also used as a single agent in the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after failure of prior platinum-based chemotherapy. It is also used in combination with prednisone, in the treatment of patients with androgen independent (hormone refractory) metastatic prostate cancer. Furthermore, docetaxel has uses in the treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma and head and neck cancer. Docetaxel interferes with the normal function of microtubule growth. Whereas drugs like colchicine cause the depolymerization of microtubules in vivo, docetaxel arrests their function by having the opposite effect; it hyper-stabilizes their structure. This destroys the cell's ability to use its cytoskeleton in a flexible manner. Specifically, docetaxel binds to the β-subunit of tubulin. Tubulin is the "building block" of mictotubules, and the binding of docetaxel locks these building blocks in place. The resulting microtubule/docetaxel complex does not have the ability to disassemble. This adversely affects cell function because the shortening and lengthening of microtubules (termed dynamic instability) is necessary for their function as a transportation highway for the cell. Chromosomes, for example, rely upon this property of microtubules during mitosis. Further research has indicated that docetaxel induces programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells by binding to an apoptosis stopping protein called Bcl-2 (B-cell leukemia 2) and thus arresting its function.
Adapalene is a topical retinoid primarily used in the treatment of acne and is used (off-label) to treat keratosis pilaris as well as other skin conditions. Galderma currently markets it under the trade names Differin in some countries, and Adaferin in India. Adapalene acts on retinoid receptors. Biochemical and pharmacological profile studies have demonstrated that adapalene is a modulator of cellular differentiation, keratinization, and inflammatory processes all of which represent important features in the pathology of acne vulgaris. Mechanistically, adapalene binds to specific retinoic acid nuclear receptors but does not bind to the cytosolic receptor protein. Although the exact mode of action of adapalene is unknown, it is suggested that topical adapalene normalizes the differentiation of follicular epithelial cells resulting in decreased microcomedone formation.
Meropenem (generic name: meropenem hydrate) is a carbapenem antibiotic for injection showing a strong antibacterial activity to a wide range of bacteria strains from Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria to anaerobic bacteria. It is used as single agent therapy for the treatment of the following infections: complicated skin and skin structure infections due to Staphylococcus aureus (b-lactamase and non-b-lactamase producing, methicillin-susceptible isolates only), Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, viridans group streptococci. This drug also used in case of Intra-abdominal Infections for the treatment complicated appendicitis and peritonitis caused by viridans group streptococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacteroides fragilis, B. thetaiotaomicron, and Peptostreptococcus species. In addition is used the treatment of bacterial meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae (b-lactamase and non-b-lactamase-producing isolates), and Neisseria meningitides. The bactericidal activity of meropenem results from the inhibition of cell wall synthesis. Meropenem readily penetrates the cell wall of most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to reach penicillin-binding-protein (PBP) targets. Its strongest affinities are toward PBPs 2, 3 and 4 of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; and PBPs 1, 2 and 4 of Staphylococcus aureus. Meropenem has significant stability to hydrolysis by β-lactamases, both penicillinases and cephalosporinases produced by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Meropenem should not be used to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE). Meropenem product with such superior effectiveness and safety has been approved for marketing by 100 countries or more in the world (as of March 2004) since its first launch in Italy in 1994.