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Showing 591 - 600 of 132111 results

First approved in 1997

Class (Stereo):

Fomepizole (4-methylpyrazole) is a competitive ADH inhibitor. Fomepizole has been shown in vitro to block alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme activity in dog, monkey and human liver. Fomepizole is indicated as an antidote for ethylene glycol (such as antifreeze) or methanol poisoning, or for use in suspected ethylene glycol or methanol ingestion, either alone or in combination with hemodialysis. It should be given when a known or suspected toxic ethylene glycol or methanol ingestion has occurred and the patient has metabolic acidosis and elevated osmolar gap. The most frequent adverse events reported as drug-related or unknown relationship were headache (14%), nausea (11%), and dizziness, increased drowsiness, and bad taste/metallic taste. Reciprocal interactions may occur with concomitant use of fomepizole and drugs that increase or inhibit the cytochrome P450 system (e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine, cimetidine, ketoconazole). Fomepizole has been shown to induce the expression of CYP2E1 and to inhibit its activity. These effects were enhanced in rats that had been exposed to ethanol. Fomepizole may also inhibit other CYP enzymes and therefore may alter the exposure to other drugs that are metabolised by CYP enzymes.

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Fenoldopam (marketed under the brand name Corlopam) is a drug and synthetic benzazepine derivative which acts as a selective D1 receptor partial agonist. Fenoldopam is a rapid-acting vasodilator. It is an agonist for D1-like dopamine receptors and binds with moderate affinity to α2-adrenoceptors. It has no significant affinity for D2-like receptors, α1 and β adrenoceptors, 5HT1 and 5HT2 receptors, or muscarinic receptors. Fenoldopam is a racemic mixture with the R-isomer responsible for the biological activity. The R-isomer has approximately 250-fold higher affinity for D1-like receptors than does the S-isomer. Fenoldopam Mesylate Injection, USP is indicated for the in-hospital, short-term (up to 48 hours) management of severe hypertension when rapid, but quickly reversible, emergency reduction of blood pressure is clinically indicated, including malignant hypertension with deteriorating end-organ function.
Bromfenac is a topical, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for ophthalmic use. It is indicated for the treatment of postoperative inflammation and reduction of ocular pain in patients who have undergone cataract surgery. The mechanism of its action is thought to be due to its ability to block prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting cyclooxygenase 1 and 2. The most commonly reported adverse reactions in 3 to 8% of patients were anterior chamber inflammation, foreign body sensation, eye pain, photophobia and vision blurred.

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Zafirlukast is an oral leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) for the maintenance treatment of asthma, often used in conjunction with an inhaled steroid and/or long-acting bronchodilator. It is available as a tablet and is usually dosed twice daily. Zafirlukast is indicated for the prophylaxis and chronic treatment of asthma. Patients with asthma were found in one study to be 25-100 times more sensitive to the bronchoconstricting activity of inhaled LTD4 than nonasthmatic subjects. In vitro studies demonstrated that zafirlukast antagonized the contractile activity of three leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4) in conducting airway smooth muscle from laboratory animals and humans. Zafirlukast prevented intradermal LTD4-induced increases in cutaneous vascular permeability and inhibited inhaled LTD4-induced influx of eosinophils into animal lungs. Zafirlukast is a selective and competitive receptor antagonist of leukotriene D4 and E4 (LTD4 and LTE4), components of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRSA). Cysteinyl leukotriene production and receptor occupation have been correlated with the pathophysiology of asthma, including airway edema, smooth muscle constriction, and altered cellular activity associated with the inflammatory process, which contribute to the signs and symptoms of asthma. Zafirlukast is marketed by Astra Zeneca with the brand names Accolate, Accoleit, and Vanticon. It was the first LTRA to be marketed in the USA and is now approved in over 60 countries, including the UK, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, Spain, Canada, Brazil, China and Turkey.
First approved in 1996

Class (Stereo):

Midodrine is a prodrug, i.e., the therapeutic effect of orally administered midodrine is due to the major metabolite desglymidodrine formed by deglycination of midodrine. Desglymidodrine diffuses poorly across the blood-brain barrier, and is therefore not associated with effects on the central nervous system. Administration of midodrine results in a rise in standing, sitting, and supine systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with orthostatic hypotension of various etiologies. Standing systolic blood pressure is elevated by approximately 15 to 30 mmHg at 1 hour after a 10-mg dose of midodrine, with some effect persisting for 2 to 3 hours. Midodrine has no clinically significant effect on standing or supine pulse rates in patients with autonomic failure. Midodrine forms an active metabolite, desglymidodrine, that is an alpha1-agonist, and exerts its actions via activation of the alpha-adrenergic receptors of the arteriolar and venous vasculature, producing an increase in vascular tone and elevation of blood pressure. Desglymidodrine does not stimulate cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors. Midodrine is used for the treatment of symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (OH). Midodrine is marketed under the brand names Amatine, ProAmatine, Gutron.

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Atorvastatin calcium (LIPITOR®) is a pyrrole and heptanoic acid derivative, a synthetic lipid-lowering agent. Atorvastatin is a selective, competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate, an early and rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis. Atorvastatin is used to reduce serum levels of LDL(low-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol; apolipoprotein B; and triglycerides and to increase serum levels of HDL(high-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol in the treatment of hyperlipidemias and prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with multiple risk factors.
Mirtazapine, originally known as ORG 3770, was first synthesized by the Department of Medicinal Chemistry of NV Organon in the Netherlands (Kaspersen et al. 1989). First approved for use in major depression in the Netherlands in 1994, mirtazapine was introduced in the United States in 1996. The antidepressant mirtazapine has a dual mode of action. It is a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA) that acts by antagonizing the adrenergic alpha2-autoreceptors and alpha2-heteroreceptors as well as by blocking 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors. It enhances, therefore, the release of norepinephrine and 5-HT1A-mediated serotonergic transmission. This dual mode of action may conceivably be responsible for mirtazapine's rapid onset of action.

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Remifentanil (marketed by Abbott as Ultiva) is a potent ultra short-acting synthetic opioid analgesic drug. It is given to patients during surgery to relieve pain and as an adjunct to an anaesthetic. ULTIVA is a µ-opioid agonist with rapid onset and peak effect, and short duration of action. The µ-opioid activity of ULTIVA is antagonized by opioid antagonists such as naloxone. ULTIVA is indicated for IV administration: 1. As an analgesic agent for use during the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia for inpatient and outpatient procedures. 2. For continuation as an analgesic into the immediate postoperative period in adult patients under the direct supervision of an anesthesia practitioner in a postoperative anesthesia care unit or intensive care setting. 3. As an analgesic component of monitored anesthesia care in adult patients.
Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin antibiotic, which was developed in 1994. Cefepime has a broad spectrum in vitro activity that encompasses a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Within bacterial cells, the molecular targets of cefepime are the penicillin binding proteins (PBP). It is FDA approved for the treatment of pneumonia, febrile neutropenia, uncomplicated UTI, uncomplicated skin infection and complicated intraabdominal infections. Common adverse reactions include rash, hypophosphatemia, diarrhea. Cefepime is metabolized to N-methylpyrrolidine (NMP) which is rapidly converted to the N-oxide (NMP-N-oxide). Urinary recovery of unchanged cefepime accounts for approximately 85% of the administered dose. Less than 1% of the administered dose is recovered from urine as NMP, 6.8% as NMP-N-oxide, and 2.5% as an epimer of cefepime. Because renal excretion is a significant pathway of elimination, patients with renal dysfunction and patients undergoing hemodialysis require dosage adjustment.
Cabergoline is a long-acting dopamine receptor agonist with a high affinity for D2 receptors. Results of in vitro studies demonstrate that cabergoline exerts a direct inhibitory effect on the secretion of prolactin by rat pituitary lactotrophs. It is FDA approved for the treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders, either idiopathic or due to pituitary adenomas. Common adverse reactions include constipation, nausea, dizziness, headache and fatigue. Cabergoline should not be administered concurrently with D-antagonists, such as phenothiazines, butyrophenones, thioxanthenes, or metoclopramide.