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Tricyclazole is a systemic fungicide for control of Pyricularia oryzae on rice. Tricyclazole protects plants from infection by P. oryzae by preventing penetration of the epidermis by the fungus. The compound acts by inhibiting melanization within the... appressorium, thus causing a lack of rigidity in the appressorial wall. Tricyclazole has no apparent effect on spore germination although sporulation is reduced. Tricyclazole is not curative but is protective in its activity. Tricyclazole can influence the pathogenic ability of aspergillus aculeatus by damaging the cell structure of hyphae and conidia, reducing the melanin production, and altering the expression of pathogenic-related gene. Tricyclazole toxin can impair testosterone secretion and the testicular structure in mice, leaving an adversely effect on sperm production system.