Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
Naroparcil [LF 90055], the lead compound in a series of orally-active antithrombotics, is an analogue of LF 1351, a compound shown to have antithrombotic action. Antithrombotic activity of naroparcil is dependent on modification in the plasma GAG pr...
Tresperimus is a new stable immunosuppressive analog of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSG) obtained by organic chemical synthesis. It was initially developed as an antitumor agent. Tresperimus has been designed to be chemically stable in aqueous solution. Tres...
Anisperimus [LF 150195] is a deoxyspergualin analogue under development by Fournier Pharma (formerly Groupe Fournier) for the potential treatment of autoimmune disorders and transplant rejection. Anisperimus is a more potent, and less toxic analogue ...
Tresperimus is a new stable immunosuppressive analog of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSG) obtained by organic chemical synthesis. It was initially developed as an antitumor agent. Tresperimus has been designed to be chemically stable in aqueous solution. Tres...