U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Divider Arrow National Institutes of Health Divider Arrow NCATS


Stereochemistry ACHIRAL
Molecular Formula C12H11N.ClH
Molecular Weight 205.683
Optical Activity NONE
Defined Stereocenters 0 / 0
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0







Molecular Formula ClH
Molecular Weight 36.461
Charge 0
Stereochemistry ACHIRAL
Additional Stereochemistry No
Defined Stereocenters 0 / 0
E/Z Centers 0
Optical Activity NONE

Molecular Formula C12H11N
Molecular Weight 169.2224
Charge 0
Stereochemistry ACHIRAL
Additional Stereochemistry No
Defined Stereocenters 0 / 0
E/Z Centers 0
Optical Activity NONE

Approval Year



Determination of hemoglobin adducts formed in rats exposed orally with 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine by GC/MS-SIM.
2002 May
Analysis of aromatic amines in cigarette smoke.
Evaluation of 4-aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts in human breast cancer: the influence of tobacco smoke.
2003 Apr
Towards direct correlations between spin-crossover and structural features in iron(II) complexes.
2003 Aug
4-aminobiphenyl-induced liver and urinary bladder DNA adduct formation in Cyp1a2(-/-) and Cyp1a2(+/+) mice.
2003 Aug 20
Heat shock proteins hsp32 and hsp70 as biomarkers of an early response? In vitro induction of heat shock proteins after exposure of cell culture to carcinogenic compounds and their real mixtures.
2003 Dec 9
The effects of genetic variation in N-acetyltransferases on 4-aminobiphenyl genotoxicity in mouse liver.
2003 Jul 25
Markers of genetic susceptibility in human environmental hygiene and toxicology: the role of selected CYP, NAT and GST genes.
2003 Jun
Nonsmoking-related arylamine exposure and bladder cancer risk.
2003 Jun
Identification of DNA adducts using HPLC/MS/MS following in vitro and in vivo experiments with arylamines and nitroarenes.
2003 Oct
Identification of aminobiphenyl derivatives in commercial hair dyes.
2003 Sep
Formation and reduction of aryl and heterocyclic nitroso compounds and significance in the flux of hydroxylamines.
2004 Apr
Effects of "second-hand" smoke on structure and function of fibroblasts, cells that are critical for tissue repair and remodeling.
2004 Apr 5
Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed activation of carcinogenic aromatic and heterocyclic amines.
2004 Dec
Ganoderma lucidum extracts inhibit growth and induce actin polymerization in bladder cancer cells in vitro.
2004 Dec 8
Modulation of rat and human cytochromes P450 involved in PhIP and 4-ABP activation by an aqueous extract of Phyllanthus orbicularis.
2004 Feb
Folate-synthesizing enzyme system as target for development of inhibitors and inhibitor combinations against Candida albicans-synthesis and biological activity of new 2,4-diaminopyrimidines and 4'-substituted 4-aminodiphenyl sulfones.
2004 Jan 1
Static and dynamic model for 4-aminodiphenyl fluorescence quenching by carbontetrachloride in hexane.
2004 Jul
Carotenoids/vitamin C and smoking-related bladder cancer.
2004 Jun 20
Generation and trapping of the 4-biphenylyloxenium ion by water and azide: comparisons with the 4-biphenylylnitrenium ion.
2004 Jun 30
Ecotoxicological evaluation of 4-aminobiphenyl using a test battery.
2004 May
Listing occupational carcinogens.
2004 Nov
Analysis of the involvement of human N-acetyltransferase 1 in the genotoxic activation of bladder carcinogenic arylamines using a SOS/umu assay system.
2004 Oct 4
Alkylaniline-hemoglobin adducts and risk of non-smoking-related bladder cancer.
2004 Oct 6
Chemical and enzymatic interactions of Direct Black 38 and Direct Brown 1 on release of carcinogenic amines.
2004 Sep
Global gene expression profiling of chemically induced rat mammary gland carcinomas and adenomas.
XRCC1 and XPD genetic polymorphisms, smoking and breast cancer risk in a Finnish case-control study.
The relationship between antioxidant enzymes and bladder cancer.
Detection and quantification of N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-aminobiphenyl adducts in human pancreas tissue using capillary liquid chromatography-microelectrospray mass spectrometry.
2005 Apr
Phenotypic anchoring of global gene expression profiles induced by N-hydroxy-4-acetylaminobiphenyl and benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide reveals correlations between expression profiles and mechanism of toxicity.
2005 Apr
Levels of 4-aminobiphenyl-induced somatic H-ras mutation in mouse liver DNA correlate with potential for liver tumor development.
2005 Apr
Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A5: identification, expression, and activity.
2005 Dec
Irreversible inactivation of arylamine N-acetyltransferases in the presence of N-hydroxy-4-acetylaminobiphenyl: a comparison of human and hamster enzymes.
2005 Feb
Gene expression profiling of chemically induced rat mammary gland cancer.
2005 Feb
Green tea extract modulates actin remodeling via Rho activity in an in vitro multistep carcinogenic model.
2005 Feb 15
A modified host cell reactivation assay to measure DNA repair capacity for removing 4-aminobiphenyl adducts: a pilot study of bladder cancer.
2005 Jul
Racial differences in exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among children.
2005 Mar
Escherichia coli BTC, a human cytochrome P450 competent tester strain with a high sensitivity towards alkylating agents: involvement of alkyltransferases in the repair of DNA damage induced by aromatic amines.
2005 May
High-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of N-glucuronidation of 4-aminobiphenyl by mouse, rat, and human liver microsomes.
2005 May 15
4-Aminobiphenyl induces liver DNA adducts in both neonatal and adult mice but induces liver mutations only in neonatal mice.
2005 Nov 1
Urinary tobacco-specific nitrosamines and 4-aminobiphenyl hemoglobin adducts measured in smokers of either regular or light cigarettes.
2005 Oct
The direct detection of an aryl azide excited state: an ultrafast study of the photochemistry of para- and ortho-biphenyl azide.
2005 Oct 12
4-Aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin adducts and risk of smoking-related disease in never smokers and former smokers in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition prospective study.
2005 Sep
Metabolic activation of bladder procarcinogens, 2-aminofluorene, 4-aminobiphenyl, and benzidine by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other human endogenous bacteria.
2006 Apr
Impact of Cyp1a2 or Ahr gene knockout in mice: implications for biomonitoring studies.
2006 Apr 10
Decolorisation, biodegradation and detoxification of benzidine based azo dye.
2006 Feb
Levels of H-ras codon 61 CAA to AAA mutation: response to 4-ABP-treatment and Pms2-deficiency.
2006 Jan
NAT2 slow acetylation and bladder cancer in workers exposed to benzidine.
2006 Jan 1
2- and 4-Aminobiphenyls induce oxidative DNA damage in human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells via different mechanisms.
2006 Jan 29
Substance Class Chemical
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on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023
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on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023
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Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023
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Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 01:59:53 GMT 2023