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Stereochemistry RACEMIC
Molecular Formula C22H30Cl2N2O2
Molecular Weight 425.392
Optical Activity ( + / - )
Defined Stereocenters 3 / 3
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0

Structure of SPIRADOLINE





The selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist spiradoline (U62,066E), an arylacetamide, was synthesized with the intention of creating an analgesic that, while still retaining its analgesic properties, would be devoid of the, mainly mu receptor mediated, side effects such as physical dependence and respiratory depression associated with morphine. The racemate spiradoline was found to be highly selective for the kappa receptor, with a Ki of 8.6 nM in the guinea pig. Examination of the enantiomers of spiradoline, showed the (-)enantiomer to be responsible for the kappa agonist properties. Spiradoline easily penetrates the blood brain barrier, and does not seem to have any significant active metabolites. In preclinical studies, spiradoline has a short duration of action with a peak at around 30 min after administration. The analgesic properties of spiradoline are well documented in mice and rats. Antitussive properties have also been reported in rats. Spiradoline was reported to display effects suggestive of neuroprotective properties in animal models of ischemia. In humans, spiradoline is a potent diuretic. It also produces significant sedation presumably due to its antihistamine properties. Preclinical studies have shown that spiradoline reduces blood pressure and heart rate, and has possible antiarrhythmic properties. Clinical studies did not confirm these findings. Although spiradoline had promising effects in animal tests of analgesia, and a reasonably good safety profile in preliminary studies, it did not replace morphine as an analgesic. The available clinical data suggest that spiradoline produces disturbing adverse effects such as diuresis, sedation, and dysphoria at doses lower than those needed for analgesic effects. Spiradoline was in phase II clinical trials with Pharmacia & Upjohn in Japan and the USA, principally for the treatment of pain. However, the commercial development of spiradoline has been discontinued.

CNS Activity

Curator's Comment: Spiradoline easily penetrates the blood brain barrier. Spiradoline, given systematically to rats, produces a significant and long lasting decrease in dopamine release, and in locomotor activity. It has also antipsychotic-like effect in animal behavioral tests. At low doses spiradoline was reported to decrease tics in patients with Tourette's syndrome.

Approval Year



Primary TargetPharmacologyConditionPotency
18.0 nM [EC50]


Cloning and functional comparison of kappa and delta opioid receptors from mouse brain.
1993 Jul 15
Molecular cloning of a rat kappa opioid receptor reveals sequence similarities to the mu and delta opioid receptors.
1993 Nov 1
Prevention of isolation-induced hypertension by intrahippocampal administration of a nonpeptide kappa-opioid receptor agonist.
Enadoline discrimination in squirrel monkeys: effects of opioid agonists and antagonists.
2001 Apr
Engineering receptors activated solely by synthetic ligands (RASSLs).
2001 Aug
Kappa opioid agonist-induced changes in IOP: correlation with 3H-NE release and cAMP accumulation.
2001 Aug
Effects of a kappa agonist, spiradoline mesylate (U62,066E), on activation and vaginocervical-stimulation produced analgesia in rats.
2001 Jan 15
Three-choice discrimination in pigeons is based on relative efficacy differences among opioids.
2001 Jun
Chronic sucrose intake augments antinociception induced by injections of mu but not kappa opioid receptor agonists into the periaqueductal gray matter in male and female rats.
2001 Nov 30
Elevation of atrial natriuretic peptide levels in aqueous humor of the rabbit by kappa opioid receptor agonists.
2001 Oct-Dec
Age-related differences in sensitivity to the antinociceptive effects of kappa opioids in adult male rats.
2002 Jul
Sex and rat strain determine sensitivity to kappa opioid-induced antinociception.
2002 Mar
Characterization of the discriminative stimulus effects of buprenorphine in pigeons.
2002 Mar
Comparison of the discriminative and neuroendocrine effects of centrally penetrating kappa-opioid agonists in rhesus monkeys.
2002 Oct
Sex-related differences in mechanical nociception and antinociception produced by mu- and kappa-opioid receptor agonists in rats.
2002 Oct 4
Lack of an interaction between orexinergic and opioid/nociceptinergic systems in rat cerebrocortical slices.
2003 Apr 17
Social and environmental enrichment enhances sensitivity to the effects of kappa opioids: studies on antinociception, diuresis and conditioned place preference.
2003 Aug
Enhanced sensitivity to the antinociceptive effects of kappa opioids in naltrexone-treated rats: dose- and time-dependent effects.
2003 Dec
Sex differences in (-)-pentazocine antinociception: comparison to morphine and spiradoline in four rat strains using a thermal nociceptive assay.
2003 Feb
Discrimination of a single dose of morphine followed by naltrexone: substitution of other agonists for morphine and other antagonists for naltrexone in a rat model of acute dependence.
2003 Mar
Interactions between opioids and cocaine on locomotor activity in rats: influence of an opioid's relative efficacy at the mu receptor.
2003 May
A review of the properties of spiradoline: a potent and selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist.
2003 Summer
Action of kappa and Delta opioid agonists on premotor cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus.
Sensitivity to the effects of a kappa opioid in rats with free access to exercise wheels: differential effects across behavioral measures.
2004 Jan
Effects of opioids in morphine-treated pigeons trained to discriminate among morphine, the low-efficacy agonist nalbuphine, and saline.
2004 Jul
Placenta ingestion by rats enhances delta- and kappa-opioid antinociception, but suppresses mu-opioid antinociception.
2004 Jul 16
Effects of the long-lasting kappa opioid 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-[(1S)-1-(3-isothiocyanatophenyl)-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl) ethyl] acetamide in a drug discrimination and warm water tail-withdrawal procedure.
2005 Dec
Engineered G protein coupled receptors reveal independent regulation of internalization, desensitization and acute signaling.
2005 Feb 11
Behavioral assessment of temporal summation in the rat: sensitivity to sex, opioids and modulation by NMDA receptor antagonists.
2005 Jun
Neurokinin 1 receptor signaling mediates sex differences in mu and kappa opioid-induced enhancement of contact hypersensitivity.
2006 Dec
Dissociation between sex differences in the immunological, behavioral, and physiological effects of kappa- and delta-opioids in Fischer rats.
2006 Mar
Sex differences in the potency of kappa opioids and mixed-action opioids administered systemically and at the site of inflammation against capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia in rats.
2007 Apr
Engineering the melanocortin-4 receptor to control constitutive and ligand-mediated G(S) signaling in vivo.
2007 Aug 1
Modifying ligand-induced and constitutive signaling of the human 5-HT4 receptor.
2007 Dec 19
Nociceptin/orphanin FQ blocks the antinociception induced by mu, kappa and delta opioid agonists on the cold water tail-flick test.
2007 Feb 14
Kappa agonist-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in squirrel monkeys: a role for opioid and stress-related mechanisms.
2007 Nov
Early postnatal stress alters place conditioning to both mu- and kappa-opioid agonists.
2008 Apr
Acute delta- and kappa-opioid agonist pretreatment potentiates opioid antagonist-induced suppression of water consumption.
2008 Aug 15
Expression of a Gi-coupled receptor in the heart causes impaired Ca2+ handling, myofilament injury, and dilated cardiomyopathy.
2008 Jan
Pharmacological selectivity of CTAP in a warm water tail-withdrawal antinociception assay in rats.
2008 Jan
Effects of environmental enrichment on sensitivity to mu, kappa, and mixed-action opioids in female rats.
2008 Jul 5
Engineered G-protein Coupled Receptors are Powerful Tools to Investigate Biological Processes and Behaviors.
Antinociceptive interactions of micro- and kappa-opioid agonists in the colorectal distension assay in rats.
2009 Apr
The effects of repeated opioid administration on locomotor activity: II. Unidirectional cross-sensitization to cocaine.
2009 Aug
Effect of kappa-opioid receptor agonists U69593, U50488H, spiradoline and salvinorin A on cocaine-induced drug-seeking in rats.
2009 Dec
Potential anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects of salvinorin A, the main active ingredient of Salvia divinorum, in rodents.
2009 Jul
Attenuation of cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug seeking in squirrel monkeys: kappa opioid and serotonergic mechanisms.
2010 Jun

Sample Use Guides

The effect of spiradoline on urine formation in human volunteers was assessed. Volunteers received single intramuscular injections of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 ug/kg of spiradoline in a randomized, double-blind study.
Route of Administration: Intramuscular
Spiradoline is highly selective for the kappa receptor with K(i) of 8.6 nM in guinea pig. In guinea pig ileum, spiradoline (2 x 10(-6) M or greater) suppressed contractile responses to acetylcholine (ACh), histamine, and BaCl2. Inhibition by spiradoline (2 x 10(-5) M) of ACh-induced contractions was not antagonized by pretreatment with naloxone (3 x 10(-4) M). Spiradoline at low concentrations ranging from 2 x 10(-9) to 2 x 10(-7) M reduced spontaneous contractions in rabbit ileum.
Name Type Language
Official Name English
spiradoline [INN]
Common Name English
Classification Tree Code System Code
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