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Stereochemistry ABSOLUTE
Molecular Formula C22H27N3O2
Molecular Weight 365.4687
Optical Activity UNSPECIFIED
Defined Stereocenters 1 / 1
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0

Structure of NAFADOTRIDE





Nafadotride is a highly potent and competitive dopamine D3 receptor antagonist (D3DR), with efficacy against D2DR and D4DR as well. Nafadotride displayed a high affinity for dopamine D2 and D3 receptors, but a low affinity for doparnine D1 and D4. At dopamine D2 and D3 receptors, the potency was concentrated on the l-enantiomer, which was 7 and 20 times, respectively, more potent than the d-enantiomer. dl-Nafadotride, l-nafadotride and d-nafadotride were 6, 10 and 2 times, respectively, more potent at dopamine D3 than at D2 receptors. As compared to haloperidol, a D 2 receptor preferring antipsychotic, the behavioral profile of nafadotride is characterized by stimulant properties on locomotor activity of rats habituated to their environment occurring at low dosage, i.e. in the range of 1 mg/kg. In contrast, nafadotride exerts typical D 2 receptor blocking responses at much higher dosage: for instance, about 100-fold higher dosages were required to observe extrapyramidal effects like catalepsy.

Approval Year



ConditionModalityTargetsHighest PhaseProduct

Approved Use


Approved Use


Approved Use



Nafadotride, a potent preferential dopamine D3 receptor antagonist, activates locomotion in rodents.
1995 Dec
Opposite effects of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors on learning and memory in the rat.
1997 Oct 8
Coexpression of dopamine D1 and D3 receptors in islands of Calleja and shell of nucleus accumbens of the rat: opposite and synergistic functional interactions.
1998 May
Selective inhibition of cocaine-seeking behaviour by a partial dopamine D3 receptor agonist.
1999 Jul 22
Nonconserved residues in the second transmembrane-spanning domain of the D(4) dopamine receptor are molecular determinants of D(4)-selective pharmacology.
2000 Jan
Role of dopamine D3 receptors in thermoregulation: a reappraisal.
2000 Jan 17
Identification of the dopamine autoreceptor in the guinea-pig retina as D(2) receptor using novel subtype-selective antagonists.
2001 Aug
Is dopamine implicated in the antidepressant-like effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the mouse forced swimming test?
2001 Dec
Repeated imipramine treatment enhances the 7-OH-DPAT-induced hyperactivity in rats: the role of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors.
2001 Nov-Dec
Common discriminative stimulus properties in rats of muscarinic antagonists, clozapine and the D3 preferring antagonist PNU-99194a: an analysis of possible mechanisms.
2001 Sep
Isolation rearing-induced facilitation of Pavlovian learning: abolition by postsession intra-amygdala nafadotride.
2002 Aug
Acute and chronic effects of methamphetamine on tele-methylhistamine levels in mouse brain: selective involvement of the D(2) and not D(3) receptor.
2002 Feb
Respective roles of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in food-seeking behaviour in rats.
2003 Feb
Dopamine D3 receptor ligands show place conditioning effect but do not influence cocaine-induced place preference.
2003 Jan 20
Attenuation of levodopa-induced dyskinesia by normalizing dopamine D3 receptor function.
2003 Jun
Effects of dopamine D3 receptor antagonists on spontaneous and agonist-reduced motor activity in NMRI mice and Wistar rats: comparative study with nafadotride, U 99194A and SB 277011.
2004 Jul
Dopamine D3 modulation of locomotor activity and sleep in the nucleus accumbens and in lobules 9 and 10 of the cerebellum in the rat.
2005 Jun
Dopamine receptors oppositely regulate cocaine-induced transcription factor CREB activation.
2006 Jun
Activation of D2-like receptors induces sympathetic climactic-like responses in male and female anaesthetised rats.
2006 Jun
Ejaculation induced by i.c.v. injection of the preferential dopamine D(3) receptor agonist 7-hydroxy-2-(di-N-propylamino)tetralin in anesthetized rats.
2007 Mar 16
Microinjection of the preferential dopamine receptor D3 agonist 7-hydroxy-N,N-di-n-propylaminotetralin hydrobromide into the hypothalamic medial preoptic area induced ejaculation in anesthetized rats.
2007 Nov 9
Selegilin exerts antidepressant-like effects during the forced swim test in adrenocorticotropic hormone-treated rats.
2008 Apr
Effect of D(3) dopamine receptors blockade on the cognitive effects of angiotensin IV in rats.
2008 Jun
Dopamine-oxytocin interactions in penile erection.
2009 Dec 3
Effects of pramipexole on the duration of immobility during the forced swim test in normal and ACTH-treated rats.
2009 Jul
Curcumin modulates dopaminergic receptor, CREB and phospholipase C gene expression in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
2010 May 31
Dopamine D3 receptor knock-out mice display deficits in locomotor sensitization after chronic morphine administration.
2010 Nov 26

Sample Use Guides

Rodents: At low dosage (0.1-1 mg/kg), nafadotride increases spontaneous locomotion of habituated rats and climbing behavior of mice, at doses that do not modify striatal homovanillic acid levels. At high dosage (1-100 mg/kg), nafadotride produces catalepsy and antagonizes apomorphine-induced climbing.
Route of Administration: Intraperitoneal
In Vitro Use Guide
Curator's Comment: The dopaminergic profile of nafadotride and its enantiomers was determined by in vitro binding studies using membranes from Chinese Hamster Ovary cells transfected with human dopamine receptor subtype cDNAs.
dl-Nafadotride at concentration of 10 uM was inactive at various receptors, including adrenergic, adenosine, histamine and serotonin receptors, but a significant affinity was initially found for muscariic M1 (Ki value = 1 uM), but not muscarmnic M2 receptors, serotonin 1A (Ki value = 0.1 uM) and sigma site (Ki value = 10 nM). In the neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cell NG 108-15 transfected with the human dopamine D3 receptor cDNA, l-nafadotride had no effect when tested alone at concentrations up to 1 uM. Nafadotride (up to 0.3 uM) has no effect alone and reversibly antagonized the quinpiroleinduced increase of mitogenesis in dopamine D2 receptor expressing cells.
Name Type Language
Common Name English
Systematic Name English
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